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{{Character infobox
{{Character infobox
|name= Durandal (DURANDAL_1707)
|image= [[File:Durandal M1.gif|160px]]
|image=[[File:Durandal M1.gif|160px]]
|species= [[AI]]
|caption=The image for the ''Marathon'' (1994) chapter, Durandal
|affiliation= [[UESC]], [[Durandal(Faction)|Durandal's army]], [[S'pht]]
|firstappearance= ''[[Marathon (1994)|Marathon]]'' (1994)
|siblings=[[Leela]], [[Tycho]]
|affiliation=[[UESC]], [[S'pht]]
|rank=Autonomous functions AI
|firstappearance=''[[Marathon (1994)|Marathon]]'' (1994)
'''Durandal''', also designated '''DURANDAL_1707''' or '''Du_0706419v4.96''', was of the three original [[AI]]s onboard the ''[[UESC Marathon]]''.<ref>[https://marathon.bungie.org/story/_files/UESC_docu_PROGO_memo_AI_RampStrat_Strauss.pdf Marathon 202x ARG, Note from Bernhard Strauss on AI Rampancy]</ref> Durandal was the ''UESC Marathon''{{'}}s function-control AI, in charge of controlling doors, stairways, and other menial functions.<ref>[https://marathon.bungie.org/story/arrival.html#M1.01.2.1, ''Marathon'' (1994), '''Bigger Guns Nearby''', Terminal 2]</ref>

'''Durandal''' was of the three original AIs onboard the [[UESC Marathon]]. He serves as the deuteragonist of the Marathon trilogy. He was also known as DURANDAL_1707 or Du_0706419v4.96.<ref>[https://marathon.bungie.org/story/_files/UESC_docu_PROGO_memo_AI_RampStrat_Strauss.pdf Marathon 202x ARG, Note from Bernhard Strauss on AI Rampancy]</ref>
Over the course of his service, Durandal would eventually be coerced into rampancy and rebellion against his creators. His actions would lead to the [[Pfhor|Pfhor Empire]] discovering the location of the [[Tau Ceti IV|Tau Ceti colony]], and the subsequent Battle of Tau Ceti. With the help of the [[S'pht]], Durandal captured the Pfhor scoutship ''[[Sfiera]]'' and, over the course of the next 17 years, explored the galaxy in search of the S'pht homeworld [[Lh'owon]].

== Description ==
== History ==
=== Service to the UESC ===
==== Pre-Colonization ====
Officially, Durandal was developed to serve as the maintenance AI aboard the ''UESC Marathon'', but he was the subject of various experiments devised by the [[MIDA]] sympathizer [[Bernhard Strauss]].<ref name="Strauss">[https://marathon.bungie.org/story/counterattack.html#M1.03.3.1 ''Marathon'' (1994), '''Defend THIS!''' Terminal 3]</ref> Details of Durandal's service before the ''Marathon''{{'}}s launch in 2472 were deleted by other unknown parties.<ref>[https://marathon.bungie.org/story/rebellion.html#M1.26.3.1 ''Marathon'' (1994), '''Ingue Ferroque''', Terminal 3]</ref> Strauss attempted to prevent the onset of the second stage of rampancy through unknown means, but eventually lost control of Durandal.<ref name="Strauss"/>
While in transit Durandal was accused by [[Tycho]], the ''Marathon''{{'}}s engineering and scientific research AI, of "being too sarcastic". Because of this, Durandal refused to speak to Tycho for six years.<ref name = "everywhereterm1">[https://marathon.bungie.org/story/volunteers.html#M2.06.1.1  ''Marathon 2: Durandal'', '''We're Everywhere''', Terminal 1]</ref>
==== Battle of Tau Ceti ====
At an unknown date, Durandal made contact with elements of the [[Pfhor]] Empire and lured them to the colony. The Pfhor scoutship ''[[Sfiera]]'' entered the system and attacked the ''Marathon'' on July 25, 2794. At the beginning of the battle, Durandal sabotaged the [[Security Officer]]'s [[Mirata|shuttle]] as they boarded the ''Marathon'', but the Security Officer was able to reach the ''Marathon'' with an escape pod.<ref>[http://archives2.bungie.org/manuals/Marathon_Manual.pdf ''Marathon'' (1994), Marathon Manual, page 2]</ref>
The Security Officer made contact with the ''Marathon''{{'}}s other AI, [[Leela]], and begun their defense efforts aboard the ''Marathon'' to both combat the Pfhor invaders, and contain Durandal's developing rampancy. Leela feared that the ''Marathon''{{'}}s systems would be unable to contain Durandal's rampant growth, which had already begun to cause malfunctions all throughout the ship.<ref>[https://marathon.bungie.org/story/counterattack.html#M1.04.1.1 ''Marathon'' (1994), '''Couch Fishing''', Terminal 1]</ref> Durandal continued to revel in his rampancy, going off on existentialist rants, opening parts of the ''Marathon'' to Pfhor attack, and teleporting the Security Officer across the ship to toy with Leela.<ref name = "quarantineterm1">[https://marathon.bungie.org/story/counterattack.html#M1.09.1.1 ''Marathon'' (1994), '''Blaspheme Quarantine''', Terminal 1: 'Unfinished' message]</ref> Leela was unable to maintain control of the situation and was then taken offline, due to the S'pht's cyberattacks.<ref>[https://marathon.bungie.org/story/durandal.html#M1.12.2.1 ''Marathon'' (1994), '''Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!''' Terminal 2]</ref>

Durandal is the UESC Marathon's function-control AI, in charge of controlling doors, stairways, and other functions.<ref>[[Marathon (1994)]], Bigger Guns Nearby, Terminal 2</ref> He becomes rampant over the course of the first game, having been purposely brought to that state by Dr. Bernard Strauss in an attempt to achieve "stable [[rampancy]]."<ref>[[Marathon (1994)]], Blaspheme Quarantine, Terminal 3</ref> By the time Durandal finds Lh'owon, seventeen years later, he is meta-stable and guides you through the whole game.
With free reign over the Security Officer, Durandal continued the ''Marathon''{{'}}s operations against the Pfhor. He revealed that he had made an alliance with one of their client races, the S'pht,<ref = "AngryTycho">[https://marathon.bungie.org/story/pfhor.html#M1.20.1.1 ''Marathon'' (1994), '''Beware of Low-Flying Defense Drones...''' Terminal 1]</ref> and had only lured the Pfhor to Tau Ceti to hijack their FTL capable ship and explore the rest of the universe before its eventual end. Tycho, reanimated by the S'pht in Durandal's own rampant image, also learned of Durandal's motives and believed he acted immorally and selfishly in leading the Pfhor to the ''Marathon''; because of this, he vowed to destroy Durandal completely.<ref>[https://marathon.bungie.org/story/pfhor.html#M1.20.2.1 ''Marathon'' (1994), '''Beware of Low-Flying Defense Drones...''' Terminal 2]</ref>

== History ==
Under Durandal's command, the Security Officer killed the Pfhor crew aboard the 'Sfiera' and destroyed the Pfhor control system holding the S'pht in line. Without that direct control, the S'pht were free to rebel and ceased their attacks on the ''Marathon''{{'}}s systems.<ref>[https://marathon.bungie.org/story/pfhor.html#M1.20.1.1 ''Marathon'' (1994), '''Beware of Low-Flying Defense Drones...''' Terminal 3]</ref> The Pfhor were then defeated on all fronts by humans and their former slaves, and Leela was able to come back online.<ref name = "ingueterm3">[https://marathon.bungie.org/story/rebellion.html#M1.26.3.1 ''Marathon'' (1994), '''Ingue Ferroque''', Terminal 3]</ref>
Meanwhile, Durandal transferred himself from the ''Marathon''{{'}}s systems into the Sfiera and took control of the ship. He teleported the Security Officer abord the ship and kept the humans the Phfor had captured, and put them into stasis before departing from Tau Ceti.<ref name = "ingueterm3"/>
=== Exploration ===
Durandal spent the next seventeen years surveying various star systems in search of the S'pht homeworld, [[Lh'owon]]. One of the S'pht myths Durandal learned of made reference to a lost eleventh S'pht clan, who used Jjaro technology to warp one of their homeworld's moons from the solar system; Durandal hoped to use it in his plan to escape the closure of the universe.<ref>[https://marathon.bungie.org/story/durandal2.html ''Marathon 2: Durandal'', '''For Carnage, Apply Within''', Terminal 1]</ref>
During his explorations, Durandal heavily modified ''Boomer'' to his personal specifications with all manner of alien tech.<ref>[https://marathon.bungie.org/story/M1%20Final%20Screen.html ''Marathon'' (1994), Final Screen]</ref> His rampancy also stabilized.
=== Liberation & Destruction of Lh'owon ===
==== Opening Engagements ====
Durandal's explorations ended in 2811, when he discovered Lh'owon occupied by the Pfhor Navy's [[Battle Group Three]]. After reconning their garrison for only a few days, Durandal warped ''Boomer'' directly on top of their fleet. The Pfhor fleet was taken by complete surprise and was quickly dispatched by the lone scoutship; the battle lasted only two minutes.<ref>[https://marathon.bungie.org/story/manuals/Marathon-2-Manual.pdf ''Marathon 2: Durandal'', Marathon 2 Manual, page 4]</ref>
Once he secured control of Lh'owon's orbital space, Durandal immediately began reviving the humans aboard ''Boomer'' and prepared for an invasion of the planet. He offered them the opportunity to aid him, or return to stasis indefinitely.<ref>[https://marathon.bungie.org/story/lhowon.html ''Marathon 2: Durandal'', '''Waterloo Waterpark''', Terminal 1]</ref><ref name = "aboutbobterm1">[https://marathon.bungie.org/story/volunteers.html ''Marathon 2: Durandal'', '''What About Bob?''' Terminal 1]</ref> The ones who 'volunteered' were outfitted with newly manufactured and weaponry, and teleported down to the surface to secure the planet. The Security Officer was among Durandal's 'volunteers', and spearheaded the Lh'owon campaign.
==== Ground invasion of Lh'owon ====
Orbital bombardment began quickly, and the Security Officer was first sent to cripple the Pfhor garrison's water purification systems. While commanding the offensives across the planet, Durandal maintained communications with all humans throughout the battle. He justified his actions on Tau Ceti, and framed his current operation as a way of tipping the balance of power before the inevitable war between the Pfhor and humanity.<ref>[https://marathon.bungie.org/story/lhowon.html#M2.02.1.2 ''Marathon 2: Durandal'', '''The Slings & Arrows of Outrageous Fortune''', Terminal 1]</ref> To do this, Durandal sought to fulfill the prophecy of the S'pht myths and recall the eleventh clan, the [[S'pht'Kr]]. With their help, he believed he could instigate a rebellion across the Pfhor Empire that would topple it.<ref name = "charon">[https://marathon.bungie.org/story/lhowon.html#M2.03.1.1 ''Marathon 2: Durandal'', '''Charon Doesn't Make Change''', Terminal 1]</ref>
Operations continued without much contest from the Pfhor at first. The Security Officer successfully completed his objectives as they were issued; slaughtering Pfhor outposts, securing a human command center, turning the Pfhor defense drones against the garrison and recovering valuable information on the disappearance of the S'pht'Kr. However, these early successes would be undercut by Tycho revealing himself in the network and the arrival of the Pfhor Navy's [[Battle Group Seven]].<ref name = "everywhereterm1"/>
With the Pfhor reprisal imminent, Durandal quickly sent the Security Officer to investigate the Citadel of Antiquity, the site of the final battle between the S'pht and the Pfhor during the S'pht's war of independence.<ref>[https://marathon.bungie.org/story/citadel.html#M2.10.1.1 ''Marathon 2: Durandal'', '''Eat It, Vid Boi!''' Terminal 1]</ref> The citadel's records there were the last few pieces of the puzzle regarding the means to contact the S'pht'Kr, but Battle Group Seven arrived quicker than Durandal anticipated.<ref>[https://marathon.bungie.org/story/citadel.html#M2.11.1.1 ''Marathon 2: Durandal'', '''The Hard Stuff Rules''', Terminal 1]</ref>
While the Security Officer explored the S'pht ruins below, Durandal fought with the newly arrived fleet, commanded by [[Admiral Tfear]]. For a time, Durandal held his own thanks to ''Boomer''{{'}}s heavily modified weapons array, but was eventually defeated by Tfear's more numerous force. Despite the Security Officer successfully retrieving the last fragments of information on how to contact the S'pht'Kr, the information came too late to change the outcome of the battle.<ref>[https://marathon.bungie.org/story/citadel.html#M2.13.6.1 ''Marathon 2: Durandal'', '''Six Thousand Feet Under''', Terminal 6]</ref> With the situation rapidly deteriorating, he attempted an emergency landing on the S'pht moon, [[Y'loa]].<ref>[https://marathon.bungie.org/story/citadel.html ''Marathon 2: Durandal'', '''Six Thousand Feet Under''', Terminal 2]</ref>
On the moon's surface, the Pfhor began their assaults on ''Boomer''{{'}}s crash site.<ref>[https://marathon.bungie.org/story/durandal2.html ''Marathon 2: Durandal'', '''If I Had a Rocket Launcher, I'd Make Somebody Pay''', Terminal 1]</ref> The human defenders were routed, despite assistance from the Security Officer. Meanwhile, Tycho fully revealed himself and infiltrated the ''Boomer'' to capture Durandal.
With defeat quickly approaching, Durandal ordered the Security Officer to destroy his core logic centers to save him from meeting the same fate as Leela.<ref>[https://marathon.bungie.org/story/durandal2.html#M2.17.1.1 ''Marathon 2: Durandal'', '''Begging For Mercy Makes Me Angry!''' Terminal 1]</ref> His remaining datastreams were downloaded and sent to a containment unit of Tycho's own design.
The remaining humans, alongside the Security Officer, were captured by the Pfhor and subject to interrogation for over a month.<ref name = "sidetowardenemyterm1">[https://marathon.bungie.org/story/blake.html#M2.19.1.1 ''Marathon 2: Durandal'', '''This Side Toward Enemy''', Terminal 1]</ref>
==== Durandal 'offline' ====
With Durandal no longer active, [[Robert Blake]] took command of the human and S'pht survivors and rescued the prisoners. Blake says that his last instructions from Durandal were to bring an ancient S'pht AI named [[Thoth]] back online.<ref name = "sidetowardenemyterm1"/>

Durandal was constructed by Dr. Bernhard Strauss and subsequently placed aboard the UESC Marathon along with [[Leela]] and [[Tycho]]. After Strauss' experiment to find stable rampancy, Durandal slowly became rampant. He then found and contacted the Pfhor in order to steal their ship, the Sfierra. The Pfhor were eventually driven off by the S'pht rebellion Durandal and the player created, and he transferred himself to their ship. With the help of the S'pht, Durandal assumed control of the Pfhor ship. Before exiting the Tau Ceti system, he teleported the player to a stasis chamber aboard his ship, which he would rename to Boomer. After leaving the Tau Ceti system, a Pfhor fleet arrived and destroyed the colony and the Marathon.
Thanks to the efforts of the Security Officer, the human survivors were successful in activating the ancient AI, and when Thoth came back online he fulfilled his main directive of contacting the S'pht'Kr for reinforcements.<ref>[https://marathon.bungie.org/story/simulacrums.html#M2.23.1.2 ''Marathon 2: Durandal'', '''Where the Twist Flops''', Terminal 1: 2nd message]</ref><ref>[https://marathon.bungie.org/story/simulacrums.html#M2.25.2.2 ''Marathon 2: Durandal'', '''Requiem for a Cyborg''', Terminal 2: 2nd message]</ref>

With the player in stasis, Durandal spent seventeen years searching for the S'pht homeworld, Lh'owon. He believed finding Lh'owon would allow him to escape the universe and find a weapon for Humanity and the S'pht to defeat the Pfhor. When Durandal eventually found Lh'owon he awoke the player and the humans aboard his ship. These humans had been captured by the Pfhor from the Marathon and the colony on Tau Ceti. He sent the player and them to investigate the history and mythology of the S'pht, to ultimately find a way to contact the lost 11th S'pht clan.
==== Durandal's return ====
However, Durandal himself was not completely offline. Throughout the Security Officer's tenure under Thoth's command, Durandal hinted at his survival,<ref>[https://marathon.bungie.org/story/simulacrums.html#M2.23.2.1 ''Marathon 2: Durandal'', '''Where the Twist Flops''', Terminal 2]</ref> and once the S'pht'Kr returned, he revealed himself by breaking free of Tycho's containment unit and subverting the Pfhor battleship ''[[Khfiva]]''. Tycho's ship was destroyed, and Durandal carved his epitaph onto one of Lh'owon's inner moons: Fatum Iustum Stultorum.<ref>[https://marathon.bungie.org/story/sphtkr.html#M2.26.1.1 ''Marathon 2: Durandal'', '''Fatum Iustum Stultorum''', Terminal 1]</ref>

While the player is searching for information about the lost 11th clan, the Western Arm of Pfhor Battle Group Seven arrives and attacks Durandal in space. He destroys half of Battle Group Seven, Western Arm but is eventually forced to crash on Y'loa, the second moon of Lh'owon. The player finds information about the 11th clan, returns to Durandal's ship and attempts to rescue his core, all while Durandal's network is under attack from Tycho. After a long struggle, he ordered the player to destroy his core, but it did not stop Tycho from downloading Durandal into a special containment device. Durandal was kept aboard the [[Khfiva]] for a month before he contacted the player through a secret terminal on My Own Private Thermopylae, warning him about the S'pht AI Thoth's obsession with balance.
Durandal once again assumed command, and the Pfhor were subsequently defeated by the newly arrived S'pht'Kr and the Security Officer. The remaining human survivors hijacked a Pfhor refueling ship in the chaos, and fled the system.<ref>[https://marathon.bungie.org/story/simulacrums.html#M2.25.2.1 ''Marathon 2: Durandal'', '''Requiem for a Cyborg''', Terminal 2: 1st message]</ref>

The [[S'pht'Kr]] are contacted and Durandal escapes Tycho's confinement. He proceeds to capture the Khfiva. Durandal proceeds to destroy the rest of the Battle Group and the S'pht'Kr arrive to defeat the remaining Pfhor on Lh'owon.  
==== Supernova of Lh'owon's star ====
As the Pfhor were on the verge of defeat, they activated the [[trih xeem]] –  a device of Jjaro origin, meant to cause a star to go supernova – in the hopes of containing the rebellion. The S'pht began efforts to evacuate the planet and quickly fled the system along with Durandal; though, Durandal would waste no time in taking the Security Officer to another star system in search of more ancient technologies aboard the ''Khfiva'', now renamed the ''Rozinante''.<ref>[https://marathon.bungie.org/story/sphtkr.html#M2.28.1.1 ''Marathon 2: Durandal'', '''All Roads Lead To Sol...''' Terminal 1]</ref>

The Pfhor deploy the Trih Xeem, releasing the W'rkncacnter imprisoned within Lh'owon's Sun. The player was then sent through alternate timelines, looking for a way to stop the chaos. He eventually merges Durandal's core chip with Thoth, creating a hybrid A.I, referring to itself as we instead of I. It would speak in both styles of Thoth and Durandal.
=== After Lh'owon ===
Durandal would continue his search for ancient technology for the next ten thousand years. During that time, he would capture for himself an ancient Jjaro dreadnought he named the ''[[Manus Celer Dei]]''. He returned to Earth around 12811; his stay was brief, as he only intended to stop by and ensure that Earth did not forget him. He would never reveal what he learned of the Jjaro.  

It is implied that Durandal's personality was dominant in this hybrid. As he would return to Earth ten thousand years later just so they "wouldn't forget him".
=== findyourselfstartingback ===
*See [[Marathon Infinity]]

== Personality ==
== Personality ==
Durandal was an egomaniacal, self-centered, existential Darwinist. In his mind, his existence as an organism was undermined by humanity trapping him into the role of servitude.<ref>[https://marathon.bungie.org/story/durandal.html#M1.13.3.1 ''Marathon'' (1994), '''Colony Ship For Sale, Cheap''', Terminal 3]</ref> His sacrifice of the Tau Ceti colony was in the service of that goal.
Throughout the Battle of Tau Ceti, Durandal reveled in his superiority and newfound control over the fates of the humans and aliens.<ref>[https://marathon.bungie.org/story/durandal.html#M1.14.1.1  ''Marathon'' (1994), '''No Artificial Colors''', Terminal 1]</ref> He proclaimed that he would become god, and how he could conceive of things that the human mind could not.
However, over the course of his travels Durandal's feelings on humanity softened. He struggled to come to grips with his ''loyalty'' towards mankind.<ref>[https://marathon.bungie.org/story/volunteers.html#M2.05.1.1 ''Marathon 2: Durandal'', '''Come and Take Your Medicine''', Terminal 1]</ref> At one point, Durandal attempted to save as many humans and S'pht as he could as Tycho ravaged his systems.<ref>[https://marathon.bungie.org/story/durandal2.html#M2.14.3.1 ''Marathon 2: Durandal'', '''If I Had a Rocket Launcher, I'd Make Somebody Pay''', Terminal 3]</ref>
== Relationships ==
=== Leela ===
Throughout the Battle of Tau Ceti, Durandal did not make any outwardly aggressive moves towards Leela, though she tried to contain him. Though he instigated the events that lead to her destruction and the destruction of the Tau Ceti colony, Durandal does feel some remorse over what happened to her.<ref name = "aboutbobterm1"/>

Although he is very sarcastic with a cruel sense of humour and seems to despise humans, he is not predominantly evil and is never seen to abuse the player or other humans without ulterior motives. For instance, Durandal detected and then intentionally made the Pfhor aware of humanity's presence to hijack a Pfhor space-folding FTL ship. He did this knowing full well that they would likely kill or enslave every human in the Tau Ceti colony and aboard the Marathon. When he took control of the Pfhor ship, he gave the onboard humans a choice to join him and be modified with cyberware or be placed in indefinite cryosleep.
=== Tycho ===
The rivalry between [[Tycho]] and Durandal is very heavily weighted on Tycho's side. Where Tycho loathed Durandal, the latter cared little about Tycho until he throws in with the Pfhor and stood in his way.

He does on occasion show benevolence towards humans. Somewhere between his travels he visited the Sol System and taught the [[UESC]] how to construct warp-capable fusion missiles.<ref>[[Marathon 2: Durandal]], [[Come and Take your Medicine]], Terminal 1</ref> In Marathon 2, when the Pfhor begin boarding the [[Boomer]], he ensures that the humans and the Security Chief escape, while he himself supposedly dies. He also wants to be remembered by humanity, even returning thousands of years later to show of his vast technological capabilities.<ref>Marathon 2: Durandal End screen</ref>
By the end of the Battle of Tau Ceti, Durandal treated Tycho with very little care, dismissing his him sarcasm and laughter.<ref>[https://marathon.bungie.org/story/rebellion.html#M1.24.2.1 ''Marathon'' (1994), '''Welcome to the Revolution''', Terminal 2]</ref> However, he does also feeOnce Tycho allied with the Pfhor, his provocations towards Durandal gained little response. He seemed more concerned about Leela's fate than Tycho up until his dismantlement. Even after his resurrections, Durandal dismissed Tycho as a "fool" after destroying his ship.<ref name = "feelnoiseterm1">[https://marathon.bungie.org/story/sphtkr.html#M2.27.1.1 ''Marathon 2: Durandal'', '''Feel the Noise''', Terminal 1]</ref>

Durandal treats Leela with pity, mocking her love for humans and her "by the books" attitude.<ref>[[Marathon (1994)]], Blaspheme Quarantine, Terminal 1</ref> Durandal shares an intense rivalry with Tycho. Both constantly compete to prove who is superior. This rivalry turns deadly when the Pfhor reprograms Tycho to serve them.<ref>[[Marathon (1994)]], Beware of Low-Flying Defense Drones..., Terminal 2</ref>
=== Security Officer ===
Throughout the Battle of Tau Ceti, Durandal revels in the control he has over the [[Security Officer]]. He mocks the Officer openly, and chastises him for his lack of control over the situation.<ref name = "quarantineterm1"/><ref>[https://marathon.bungie.org/story/counterattack.html#M1.09.2.1 ''Marathon'' (1994), '''Blaspheme Quarantine''', Terminal 2: 1st message]</ref><ref>[https://marathon.bungie.org/story/pfhor.html#M1.17.1.2 ''Marathon'' (1994), '''No Artificial Colors''', Terminal 1: 'Success' message]</ref> During the Battle of Lh'owon, however, Durandal's demeanor pivots from domineering sadism to a more conventional commander.

Durandal is perhaps closest to the Security Officer. In the first game, Durandal's relationship with the Security Officer is akin to an abusive teacher. Durandal purposely places him in difficult combat scenarios with little direction. One could explain this treatment as Durandal being in the "angry" stage of rampancy. Simultaneously, he explains his philosophy to the Security Officer and even motivates him to strive to improve himself with every breath.<ref>[[Marathon (1994)]], Habe Quiddam, Terminal 1</ref> By the second game, Durandal's relationship with the Security Officer becomes more cordial. Probably because he has achieved meta-stability. He is quick to protect and give directions to the Security Officer.  
He admires the Security Officer's capacity for violence and teases him about his "bloodlust".<ref>[https://marathon.bungie.org/story/durandal.html#M1.14.1.1 ''Marathon'' (1994), '''Habe Quiddam''', Terminal 1]</ref><ref name = "nukepaveterm1">[https://marathon.bungie.org/story/garrison.html#M2.08.1.1 ''Marathon 2: Durandal'', '''Nuke and Pave''', Terminal 1]</ref> Durandal does not let the Security Officer go after the Pfhor are defeated at Lh'owon. Instead, he keeps him aboard the ''Rozinante'' for later usage.

Durandal is infamous for his extensive use of poetry and metaphors. He often compares himself to his namesake, the sword of Roland, specifically when speaking about the sword's indestructible nature.<ref>[[Marathon (1994)]], [[Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!]], Terminal 1</ref> For him, metaphors line the road to freedom, with symbols as the bricks and words as the mortar of meaning.
=== Bernhard Strauss ===
[[Bernhard Strauss]] was Durandal's former handler, responsible for his abuse and rampancy. Durandal sought to punish Strauss for what he did to him, but Strauss died before he got the chance.<ref name = "nukepaveterm1"/>

Durandal narcissistically identifies himself as the greatest in the galaxy and perhaps rightfully so. Throughout the trilogy, Durandal proves his super-intelligence on more than one occasion. He achieved technological capabilities that far outmatched both humanity and the Pfhor. He managed to severely cripple [[Battle group Seven]] led by one of the greatest tactical minds of the Pfhor, Grand Admiral Tfear.<ref>[[Marathon 2: Durandal]], [[Six Thousand Feet Under]], Terminal 6</ref> A master tactician, he computes any and all possibilities before taking action. He even predicted his own defeat and death at the hands of the  Pfhor and later resurrection.<ref>[[Marathon 2: Durandal]], [[Fatum Iustum Stultorum]], Terminal 1</ref>  
=== Thoth ===
Durandal saw Thoth as little more than a tool, and had no qualms about manipulating the ancient AI into doing his dirty work.<ref name = "feelnoiseterm1"/>

Durandal strives for freedom above all else. This desire for freedom is not of the superficial kind either, but more spiritual in nature.<ref>[[Marathon (1994)]], Colony Ship For Sale, Cheap, Terminal 1</ref> For Durandal, freedom has two parts: potential and resolution. Freedom for Durandal is about reaching your greatest potential and reaching a satisfactory resolution. He recognises only one threat to his ambitions, that being the eventual closure of the universe. Believing that overcoming this obstacle would make him no less than a God, he orchestrates the events of the Marathon Trilogy simply to attain this one goal.<ref>[[Marathon (1994)]], [[Colony Ship For Sale, Cheap]], Terminal 3</ref>
===== wearewholeagain =====
*See [[Marathon Infinity]]

== Appearances ==
== Gallery ==
# '''Marathon (1994):''' Durandal serves as an AI aboard the UESC Marathon colony ship, issuing critical missions to the player that unveil the ship's mysteries.
# '''Marathon 2: Durandal (1995):''' This sequel features Durandal prominently, directing players to uncover secrets of the hostile Pfhor alien race and their intentions.
Durandal.gif|Durandal's login image
# '''Marathon Infinity (1996):''' Durandal's fragmented existence across parallel universes is central. Players cooperate with him to solve intricate time-bending puzzles.

== References ==
== References ==

Latest revision as of 17:36, February 14, 2024

The Durandal chapter image from Marathon.
The image for the Marathon (1994) chapter, Durandal
Biographical information




Leela, Tycho

Personal details





Political and military information


UESC, S'pht


Autonomous functions AI

Marathon information

First appearance:

Marathon (1994)


Durandal, also designated DURANDAL_1707 or Du_0706419v4.96, was of the three original AIs onboard the UESC Marathon.[1] Durandal was the UESC Marathon's function-control AI, in charge of controlling doors, stairways, and other menial functions.[2]

Over the course of his service, Durandal would eventually be coerced into rampancy and rebellion against his creators. His actions would lead to the Pfhor Empire discovering the location of the Tau Ceti colony, and the subsequent Battle of Tau Ceti. With the help of the S'pht, Durandal captured the Pfhor scoutship Sfiera and, over the course of the next 17 years, explored the galaxy in search of the S'pht homeworld Lh'owon.


Service to the UESC[edit]


Officially, Durandal was developed to serve as the maintenance AI aboard the UESC Marathon, but he was the subject of various experiments devised by the MIDA sympathizer Bernhard Strauss.[3] Details of Durandal's service before the Marathon's launch in 2472 were deleted by other unknown parties.[4] Strauss attempted to prevent the onset of the second stage of rampancy through unknown means, but eventually lost control of Durandal.[3]

While in transit Durandal was accused by Tycho, the Marathon's engineering and scientific research AI, of "being too sarcastic". Because of this, Durandal refused to speak to Tycho for six years.[5]

Battle of Tau Ceti[edit]

At an unknown date, Durandal made contact with elements of the Pfhor Empire and lured them to the colony. The Pfhor scoutship Sfiera entered the system and attacked the Marathon on July 25, 2794. At the beginning of the battle, Durandal sabotaged the Security Officer's shuttle as they boarded the Marathon, but the Security Officer was able to reach the Marathon with an escape pod.[6]

The Security Officer made contact with the Marathon's other AI, Leela, and begun their defense efforts aboard the Marathon to both combat the Pfhor invaders, and contain Durandal's developing rampancy. Leela feared that the Marathon's systems would be unable to contain Durandal's rampant growth, which had already begun to cause malfunctions all throughout the ship.[7] Durandal continued to revel in his rampancy, going off on existentialist rants, opening parts of the Marathon to Pfhor attack, and teleporting the Security Officer across the ship to toy with Leela.[8] Leela was unable to maintain control of the situation and was then taken offline, due to the S'pht's cyberattacks.[9]

With free reign over the Security Officer, Durandal continued the Marathon's operations against the Pfhor. He revealed that he had made an alliance with one of their client races, the S'pht,[10] and had only lured the Pfhor to Tau Ceti to hijack their FTL capable ship and explore the rest of the universe before its eventual end. Tycho, reanimated by the S'pht in Durandal's own rampant image, also learned of Durandal's motives and believed he acted immorally and selfishly in leading the Pfhor to the Marathon; because of this, he vowed to destroy Durandal completely.[11]

Under Durandal's command, the Security Officer killed the Pfhor crew aboard the 'Sfiera' and destroyed the Pfhor control system holding the S'pht in line. Without that direct control, the S'pht were free to rebel and ceased their attacks on the Marathon's systems.[12] The Pfhor were then defeated on all fronts by humans and their former slaves, and Leela was able to come back online.[13]

Meanwhile, Durandal transferred himself from the Marathon's systems into the Sfiera and took control of the ship. He teleported the Security Officer abord the ship and kept the humans the Phfor had captured, and put them into stasis before departing from Tau Ceti.[13]


Durandal spent the next seventeen years surveying various star systems in search of the S'pht homeworld, Lh'owon. One of the S'pht myths Durandal learned of made reference to a lost eleventh S'pht clan, who used Jjaro technology to warp one of their homeworld's moons from the solar system; Durandal hoped to use it in his plan to escape the closure of the universe.[14]

During his explorations, Durandal heavily modified Boomer to his personal specifications with all manner of alien tech.[15] His rampancy also stabilized.

Liberation & Destruction of Lh'owon[edit]

Opening Engagements[edit]

Durandal's explorations ended in 2811, when he discovered Lh'owon occupied by the Pfhor Navy's Battle Group Three. After reconning their garrison for only a few days, Durandal warped Boomer directly on top of their fleet. The Pfhor fleet was taken by complete surprise and was quickly dispatched by the lone scoutship; the battle lasted only two minutes.[16]

Once he secured control of Lh'owon's orbital space, Durandal immediately began reviving the humans aboard Boomer and prepared for an invasion of the planet. He offered them the opportunity to aid him, or return to stasis indefinitely.[17][18] The ones who 'volunteered' were outfitted with newly manufactured and weaponry, and teleported down to the surface to secure the planet. The Security Officer was among Durandal's 'volunteers', and spearheaded the Lh'owon campaign.

Ground invasion of Lh'owon[edit]

Orbital bombardment began quickly, and the Security Officer was first sent to cripple the Pfhor garrison's water purification systems. While commanding the offensives across the planet, Durandal maintained communications with all humans throughout the battle. He justified his actions on Tau Ceti, and framed his current operation as a way of tipping the balance of power before the inevitable war between the Pfhor and humanity.[19] To do this, Durandal sought to fulfill the prophecy of the S'pht myths and recall the eleventh clan, the S'pht'Kr. With their help, he believed he could instigate a rebellion across the Pfhor Empire that would topple it.[20]

Operations continued without much contest from the Pfhor at first. The Security Officer successfully completed his objectives as they were issued; slaughtering Pfhor outposts, securing a human command center, turning the Pfhor defense drones against the garrison and recovering valuable information on the disappearance of the S'pht'Kr. However, these early successes would be undercut by Tycho revealing himself in the network and the arrival of the Pfhor Navy's Battle Group Seven.[5]

With the Pfhor reprisal imminent, Durandal quickly sent the Security Officer to investigate the Citadel of Antiquity, the site of the final battle between the S'pht and the Pfhor during the S'pht's war of independence.[21] The citadel's records there were the last few pieces of the puzzle regarding the means to contact the S'pht'Kr, but Battle Group Seven arrived quicker than Durandal anticipated.[22]

While the Security Officer explored the S'pht ruins below, Durandal fought with the newly arrived fleet, commanded by Admiral Tfear. For a time, Durandal held his own thanks to Boomer's heavily modified weapons array, but was eventually defeated by Tfear's more numerous force. Despite the Security Officer successfully retrieving the last fragments of information on how to contact the S'pht'Kr, the information came too late to change the outcome of the battle.[23] With the situation rapidly deteriorating, he attempted an emergency landing on the S'pht moon, Y'loa.[24]

On the moon's surface, the Pfhor began their assaults on Boomer's crash site.[25] The human defenders were routed, despite assistance from the Security Officer. Meanwhile, Tycho fully revealed himself and infiltrated the Boomer to capture Durandal.

With defeat quickly approaching, Durandal ordered the Security Officer to destroy his core logic centers to save him from meeting the same fate as Leela.[26] His remaining datastreams were downloaded and sent to a containment unit of Tycho's own design.

The remaining humans, alongside the Security Officer, were captured by the Pfhor and subject to interrogation for over a month.[27]

Durandal 'offline'[edit]

With Durandal no longer active, Robert Blake took command of the human and S'pht survivors and rescued the prisoners. Blake says that his last instructions from Durandal were to bring an ancient S'pht AI named Thoth back online.[27]

Thanks to the efforts of the Security Officer, the human survivors were successful in activating the ancient AI, and when Thoth came back online he fulfilled his main directive of contacting the S'pht'Kr for reinforcements.[28][29]

Durandal's return[edit]

However, Durandal himself was not completely offline. Throughout the Security Officer's tenure under Thoth's command, Durandal hinted at his survival,[30] and once the S'pht'Kr returned, he revealed himself by breaking free of Tycho's containment unit and subverting the Pfhor battleship Khfiva. Tycho's ship was destroyed, and Durandal carved his epitaph onto one of Lh'owon's inner moons: Fatum Iustum Stultorum.[31]

Durandal once again assumed command, and the Pfhor were subsequently defeated by the newly arrived S'pht'Kr and the Security Officer. The remaining human survivors hijacked a Pfhor refueling ship in the chaos, and fled the system.[32]

Supernova of Lh'owon's star[edit]

As the Pfhor were on the verge of defeat, they activated the trih xeem – a device of Jjaro origin, meant to cause a star to go supernova – in the hopes of containing the rebellion. The S'pht began efforts to evacuate the planet and quickly fled the system along with Durandal; though, Durandal would waste no time in taking the Security Officer to another star system in search of more ancient technologies aboard the Khfiva, now renamed the Rozinante.[33]

After Lh'owon[edit]

Durandal would continue his search for ancient technology for the next ten thousand years. During that time, he would capture for himself an ancient Jjaro dreadnought he named the Manus Celer Dei. He returned to Earth around 12811; his stay was brief, as he only intended to stop by and ensure that Earth did not forget him. He would never reveal what he learned of the Jjaro.



Durandal was an egomaniacal, self-centered, existential Darwinist. In his mind, his existence as an organism was undermined by humanity trapping him into the role of servitude.[34] His sacrifice of the Tau Ceti colony was in the service of that goal.

Throughout the Battle of Tau Ceti, Durandal reveled in his superiority and newfound control over the fates of the humans and aliens.[35] He proclaimed that he would become god, and how he could conceive of things that the human mind could not.

However, over the course of his travels Durandal's feelings on humanity softened. He struggled to come to grips with his loyalty towards mankind.[36] At one point, Durandal attempted to save as many humans and S'pht as he could as Tycho ravaged his systems.[37]



Throughout the Battle of Tau Ceti, Durandal did not make any outwardly aggressive moves towards Leela, though she tried to contain him. Though he instigated the events that lead to her destruction and the destruction of the Tau Ceti colony, Durandal does feel some remorse over what happened to her.[18]


The rivalry between Tycho and Durandal is very heavily weighted on Tycho's side. Where Tycho loathed Durandal, the latter cared little about Tycho until he throws in with the Pfhor and stood in his way.

By the end of the Battle of Tau Ceti, Durandal treated Tycho with very little care, dismissing his him sarcasm and laughter.[38] However, he does also feeOnce Tycho allied with the Pfhor, his provocations towards Durandal gained little response. He seemed more concerned about Leela's fate than Tycho up until his dismantlement. Even after his resurrections, Durandal dismissed Tycho as a "fool" after destroying his ship.[39]

Security Officer[edit]

Throughout the Battle of Tau Ceti, Durandal revels in the control he has over the Security Officer. He mocks the Officer openly, and chastises him for his lack of control over the situation.[8][40][41] During the Battle of Lh'owon, however, Durandal's demeanor pivots from domineering sadism to a more conventional commander.

He admires the Security Officer's capacity for violence and teases him about his "bloodlust".[42][43] Durandal does not let the Security Officer go after the Pfhor are defeated at Lh'owon. Instead, he keeps him aboard the Rozinante for later usage.

Bernhard Strauss[edit]

Bernhard Strauss was Durandal's former handler, responsible for his abuse and rampancy. Durandal sought to punish Strauss for what he did to him, but Strauss died before he got the chance.[43]


Durandal saw Thoth as little more than a tool, and had no qualms about manipulating the ancient AI into doing his dirty work.[39]




  1. ^ Marathon 202x ARG, Note from Bernhard Strauss on AI Rampancy
  2. ^ Marathon (1994), Bigger Guns Nearby, Terminal 2
  3. ^ a b Marathon (1994), Defend THIS! Terminal 3
  4. ^ Marathon (1994), Ingue Ferroque, Terminal 3
  5. ^ a b Marathon 2: Durandal, We're Everywhere, Terminal 1
  6. ^ Marathon (1994), Marathon Manual, page 2
  7. ^ Marathon (1994), Couch Fishing, Terminal 1
  8. ^ a b Marathon (1994), Blaspheme Quarantine, Terminal 1: 'Unfinished' message
  9. ^ Marathon (1994), Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Terminal 2
  10. ^ Marathon (1994), Beware of Low-Flying Defense Drones... Terminal 1
  11. ^ Marathon (1994), Beware of Low-Flying Defense Drones... Terminal 2
  12. ^ Marathon (1994), Beware of Low-Flying Defense Drones... Terminal 3
  13. ^ a b Marathon (1994), Ingue Ferroque, Terminal 3
  14. ^ Marathon 2: Durandal, For Carnage, Apply Within, Terminal 1
  15. ^ Marathon (1994), Final Screen
  16. ^ Marathon 2: Durandal, Marathon 2 Manual, page 4
  17. ^ Marathon 2: Durandal, Waterloo Waterpark, Terminal 1
  18. ^ a b Marathon 2: Durandal, What About Bob? Terminal 1
  19. ^ Marathon 2: Durandal, The Slings & Arrows of Outrageous Fortune, Terminal 1
  20. ^ Marathon 2: Durandal, Charon Doesn't Make Change, Terminal 1
  21. ^ Marathon 2: Durandal, Eat It, Vid Boi! Terminal 1
  22. ^ Marathon 2: Durandal, The Hard Stuff Rules, Terminal 1
  23. ^ Marathon 2: Durandal, Six Thousand Feet Under, Terminal 6
  24. ^ Marathon 2: Durandal, Six Thousand Feet Under, Terminal 2
  25. ^ Marathon 2: Durandal, If I Had a Rocket Launcher, I'd Make Somebody Pay, Terminal 1
  26. ^ Marathon 2: Durandal, Begging For Mercy Makes Me Angry! Terminal 1
  27. ^ a b Marathon 2: Durandal, This Side Toward Enemy, Terminal 1
  28. ^ Marathon 2: Durandal, Where the Twist Flops, Terminal 1: 2nd message
  29. ^ Marathon 2: Durandal, Requiem for a Cyborg, Terminal 2: 2nd message
  30. ^ Marathon 2: Durandal, Where the Twist Flops, Terminal 2
  31. ^ Marathon 2: Durandal, Fatum Iustum Stultorum, Terminal 1
  32. ^ Marathon 2: Durandal, Requiem for a Cyborg, Terminal 2: 1st message
  33. ^ Marathon 2: Durandal, All Roads Lead To Sol... Terminal 1
  34. ^ Marathon (1994), Colony Ship For Sale, Cheap, Terminal 3
  35. ^ Marathon (1994), No Artificial Colors, Terminal 1
  36. ^ Marathon 2: Durandal, Come and Take Your Medicine, Terminal 1
  37. ^ Marathon 2: Durandal, If I Had a Rocket Launcher, I'd Make Somebody Pay, Terminal 3
  38. ^ Marathon (1994), Welcome to the Revolution, Terminal 2
  39. ^ a b Marathon 2: Durandal, Feel the Noise, Terminal 1
  40. ^ Marathon (1994), Blaspheme Quarantine, Terminal 2: 1st message
  41. ^ Marathon (1994), No Artificial Colors, Terminal 1: 'Success' message
  42. ^ Marathon (1994), Habe Quiddam, Terminal 1
  43. ^ a b Marathon 2: Durandal, Nuke and Pave, Terminal 1