The Pfhor are a species of hostile alien slavers in the Marathon series.[1] They attacked the UESC Marathon in 2794.[2] They seek to control the galaxy and perform numerous evil deeds in the games, including ecocide. The Pfhor were ultimately defeated in 2881, when the Pfhor system was sacked by the combined fleets of the UESC and S‘pht’kr. By the time Durandal returned to Earth 10,000 years after Marathon 2, they are a distant memory.


The Pfhor are bipedal, somewhat taller than humans and have three red eyes and grey skin. Pfhor are generally thinner and lighter than humans and are superbly adapted for low gravity environments. The arrangement of their eyes was changed from a triangle pointing down in Marathon to a triangle pointing up in the later games.[3]


Little is revealed about Pfhor culture. They appear to have a rather complex bureaucracy, and according to Durandal their religion is "pathetically boring."[4] The only information that has been gathered about their religion is the presence of Sfiera, a goddess of lightning and passion. The Pfhor have an empire and specialize in slavery.

Notable Pfhor
