
Revision as of 22:32, August 19, 2023 by HeraldOfOblivion (talk | contribs) (Reworked the overview to flow better, and act as a more comprehensive summary. I plan on editing the history tab later and talking more about S'pht involvement aboard the ship and the Pfhor Cyborg)


Sfiera, later Boomer was the Pfhor scoutship responsible for the attack on the Tau Ceti colonies and the UESC Marathon.

Through the subterfuge of Durandal, the ship was alerted to the colony's location. What seemed as a prime raiding target soon turned bitter, however. Thanks to the efforts of the Marathon's AI and the Security Officer, the S'pht slaves aboard rebelled and the attack was repelled. All non-S'pht members of the crew were lost and the vessel was hijacked by Durandal.

Under his care, Boomer would serve as his personal exploration vessel and undergo extensive modifications to its systems. These upgrades would serve the ship well during the liberation of the S'pht homeworld of Lh'owon.


Durandal originally alerted the Pfhor about the colony at Tau Ceti,[1] which led to the Sfiera's attack. When the Security Officer and Durandal defeated the Pfhor aboard the Marathon, Durandal and his crew of S'pht took control of the ship to search for a way to escape the end of the universe. Before leaving the Tau Ceti system however, Durandal teleported an unknown number of the Marathon's crew aboard his ship for later usage, including the Security Officer. This began a seventeen-year expedition for the S'pht homeworld, Lh'owon.

After dropping out of orbit above the planet, Durandal used the ship as a base of operations against the Pfhor occupiers and a manufacturing facility to provide his soldiers with arms.

Making use of the ship's teleporter, Durandal sent the Security Officer down to the planet to investigate the S'pht ruins in the hopes of discovering more about the ancient alien race known as the Jjaro.

Pfhor command sent Battle Group Seven to destroy Boomer, and the Security Officer was teleported back to the ship to repel the Pfhor boarders. Boomer is said to have taken heavy losses during the battle, but had fared very well against a more powerful Pfhor fleet.

Despite his modifications, and a successful opening attack, Boomer was rendered inoperable by the Pfhor with assistance from Tycho.

Durandal later took the Pfhor battleship Khfiva, the largest ship of Battle Group Seven, as his flagship.[2]


Under the Pfhor, Boomer was likely an unremarkable vessel. Possibly a corvette-class ship [3]. Sporting an FTL drive, it carried fighters (one of which destroys the Security Officer's shuttle, the Mirata)[4] and a Pfhor cyborg that controlled the S'pht aboard.[5] It also carries unknown number of low-yield nuclear missiles, and an unknown number of particle beams cannons.

Both the Pfhor and Durandal made use of its Stasis Chambers and teleporters, though only the former made use of the ship's ability capability to create simulacrums. Under Durandal's command, the vessel would undergo many modifications to allow it to go head to head with entire Pfhor fleets. The range of the particle beam was doubled, and the vessel was capable of manufacturing weapons for Durandal and his allies during the battle of Lh'owon. [6]


Under the Pfhor

Under Durandal


'Sfiera' was the original name of the ship, named for the Pfhor goddess of lightning and passion. After Durandal captured the ship, the S'pht on board named the ship 'Narhl'Lar', which means "Freedom and Vengeance". Durandal calls it Boomer. [7]
